Athletic Paperwork
All supplemental paperwork will be completed online via Powerschool Enrollment. Please complete the necessary forms (release/waiver, parent code of conduct, student code of conduct, concussion packet, and cardiac arrest) through your son or daughter's Powerschool Enrollment new or returning student registration.
All PIAA physical packets will remain hard copy. This will also pertain to Section(s) 8, 9 and 10.
PIAA Comprehensive Physical Evaluation Forms - Sections 1-7
PIAA Comprehensive Physical Evaluation - Section 8 (Recertification by Parent-Guardian)
PIAA Comprehensive Physical Evaluation - Section 9 (Return to Play by Licensed Physician)
PIAA Comprehensive Physical Evaluation - Section 10 (Minimum Wrestling Weight)
For additional required athletic documents, please visit our district page (link below) to access the remaining forms.
District Forms
Prior to participating in a designated sport each season the parent/guardian and student athlete must complete the COVID WAIVER. This includes athletes who play multiple sports. A new waiver is deemed necessary prior to each season/sport.
Athletic Participation Waiver Form