Phone: (717) 957-6000, option 1
Degrees and Certifications:
Formal Education:
-West Perry High School
-BS in Art Education (cultural focus) at Kuztown University
-MEd in Art Education (cultural focus) at Kutztown University
-PhD in Education with a global and comparative studies specialization at Walden University
Work Experience:
-Peace Corps Education Volunteer
-High School Art Teacher-drawing, painting, photography, and PhotoShop
-CPARC Residential Advisor- Assisted mentally and physically challenged adults.
Research Interests:
-Influence of Visual Culture & Traveling on Teachers' Pedagogy
-Global Arts Education
-Influence of Culture on Western Art
-Women's Role in Western and Global Art
-Transformative Educational Methods
-Peace Education
-Intercultural Sensitivity
-Humanitarianism & the Arts
I was raised in the small town of Blain, PA, at the western end of Perry County. I graduated from West Perry High School. I received my Bachelors, Master's degree from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, and PhD from Walden University.
I finished my PhD in Education with a Global and Comparative Studies focus in December 2018. My dissertation explored the impact a transformative intercultural experience had on returned Peace Corps volunteers' instructional practices. Three key findings arose from the teachers I interviewed for my study: (1) living internationally for an extended period of time provided teachers with a deep cultural experience that brought about the realization of their own culture (2) teachers who lived internationally for an extended period of time adapt to cultural differences more easily than before they lived internationally (3) teachers who lived internationally for an extened period of time choose to use deep and engaging teaching practices with vaired approaches, forms, styles, and subject matter in their classroom upon their return to the United States. My research interests are: the influence of culture on Western art, potential conflicts in Modern art perceptions, women's role in historical Western art, women's role in global cultural arts, the influence of Japanese art on the Western world, Indigenous spirituality represented in art, intercultural sensitivity in elementary education, success strategies for online learning, peace education, transformative learning, experiential learning, qualitative analysis, 21st century learning, and arts outreach.
I am a member of the Pennsylvania Arts Educational Association (PAEA) and the National Arts Education (NEA) as well as support many art and cultural organizations such as Citizens for the Arts in Pennsylvania, the Cultural Enrichment Fund, and the Chinese Arts & Cultural Institute. As well as teaching art at Susquenita School District, I also teach art history (AHist 1401), Living and Learning Globally (EDU5810), Educational Theory (EDU5210), and online educational strategies (UNIV 1001) at University of the People and I enjoy reaching out to the local community by offering adult and family paint nights to Susquenita and local organizations in Perry County.

Phone: (717) 957-6000, option 2
Degrees and Certifications:
B. A. in Art & Technology, Allegheny College
Art Ed Certification, Carlow University
M.Ed in Art Education, Millersville University
I have been teaching art at SMS since the fall of 2007. I earned a bachelor's degree in Art & Technology from Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania. Shortly after graduating from Allegheny I moved to Pittsburgh and obtained my certification in art education from Carlow University. I moved to central Pennsylvania in 2005 and taught elementary art in the Big Spring School District. After two years at Big Spring, I found my "home" at Susquenita. In 2012 I earned my M.Ed in Art Education from Millersville University.
A great way to stay updated on what is happening in the SMS Art Room is to follow us on social media! "Like" the Susquenita Art Department page on Facebook and follow @SusquenitaMiddleSchoolArt on Instagram to see the awesome art kids are creating at SMS!

Phone: (717) 957-6000, option 3
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelors of Art Generalist
Bachelors in Painting
Teaching Certificate
Masters of Education in Art Education
I am the art teacher at Susquenita High School. Previously, I taught at Shamokin Area High School, where I was the Senior High art teacher. I also substituted for a year here at Susquenita High School before accepting my position at Shamokin Area.
I am a graduate of Lycoming College with a double major in Art Generalist and Painting. I also received my master's degree of Education in Art Education from Millersville University. My favorite artist is Edvard Munch and my favorite mediums to use are watercolor and oil paints.
I have high expectations for your student while they are in my classroom. I expect they will give 100% effort and try their best while discussing, learning about, and creating ART!