We are excited that our brand new app is up and ready to go. You can find it in the App Store by typing in "Susquenita School District." It is also available through Self Service so all staff members and students will be able to download it on their school devices. To download it to your phone or iPad/tablet now, you can click the corresponding link below. You can also scan the corresponding QR code on the flyer attached to this email.
When you open the app for the first time, it will give you the option to "start setup" or "skip setup." We encourage everyone to select "start setup" so they can pick which buildings they would like to receive notifications for. Once you make that selection, click "start app" and it'll bring you to the home page where you can view a staff directory, news and information, link to PowerSchool, view our school calendar, and connect with our social media pages. The menu icon in the top left-hand corner gives you a drop down with more options, including settings. Each user can choose whether or not to turn on notifications that are sent out through SchoolMessenger.